Profitable Algo Trading & Risk Management

In episode 368 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, Etienne sits down with Martyn Tinsley. He is a full-time algo trader funded by Darwinex. Martyn shares some great lessons on risk management for algo trading and how to build a good algorithmic trading portfolio.

Watch the video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... 0:15 Introduction 0:35 How Martyn Tinsley began his trading journey 3:12 Why the transition from Software Development to trading 4:26 How Martyn transitioned from hobby trading to full-time trading 4:56 What was the turning point for Martyn 6:40 How to approach algo trading 8:21 How to adapt a strategy to changing market conditions 9:25 How to build the right algo portfolio 17:56 What factors show market correlation? 23:09 How the efficiency frontier works for active trading (Screen Share) 26:54 What type of strategies do Martyn trades 29:34 How many strategies are enough for diversification 31:56 The daily work of an algo trader 34:07 How Martyn became one of the first funded traders in Darwinex 37:31 How much track record do you require to become a Darwinex trader 39:41 How trading large funds affects your mindset 43:04 Where to find Martyn And much more!

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Resources Mentioned Darwinex Institutional-Grade Risk Management Techniques (Youtube Playlist) Desire To Trade's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) Recommended brokers: EightCap (preferred Crypto and FX Broker) AxiTrader (use our link to get a special bonus) Desire To TRADE Academy About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes Where to find Martyn Tinsley! Website

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