Global Prime Co-Founder Interviews Traveling Trader Etienne Crete

In episode 301 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I share with you a recent interview in which I am interviewed by Global Prime co-founder Jeremy Kinstlinger.  In this interview, we talk about my trading style, tools for traders, how to avoid scams, and how the forex scene has developed over the years for retail traders.

Watch the video interview here

Topics Covered In This Episode 0:15 Introduction 1:40 How Etienne got into trading and how was his initial experience 3:16 How Etienne founded Desire To Trade and what was the idea behind it 4:40 Tips getting in touch with top traders 8:10 What is Etienne's trading style 10:45 How has covid changed what Etienne does 11:38 How has the trading education landscape changed over the years 13:25 Educational resources Etienne recommends for aspiring traders 14:52 What are Etienne thoughts on Prop trading 16:47 What's your favorite dish from where you've traveled 17:34 Has a country helped you with your trading 19:14 How much to spend on trading education 20:36 How to avoid scams in the modern trading landscape 22:17 How to build and engage an audience 28:14 What are some of the best DesireToTrade Podcast Interviews 28:48 How has the broker scene evolved over the years 30:02 What are traders really looking for in a broker? 32:07 What are Etienne's plans for the near future 33:47 Etienne's top advice for aspiring traders and much more

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