Trade News in Forex & Understand Volatility

Have you ever tried to trade news?

Personally I have.

This goes back to 2015...

"Why?", you may ask.

Because that myth is HUGE out there.


News releases happen fast and seeing profits quickly satisfies our brains.

But what if I told you that trading after news releases could be even more profitable than during?

Indeed, trading news has its many challenges:

Wide & varying spreads Ambiguous reaction from the market Delay in getting the info (banks & institutions know the results ahead of you)


So I'm not saying it's impossible, but I believe there's a better way to use news.

And recently, I sat down with Chris Weston, Investment Manager at Pepperstone.

I wanted him to tell me and share with you how he's personally using news.

We obviously go over how to trade news and the kind of stuff you can expect from any news release.

You'll also get to learn about volatility...

...and what to do when it's generally high in the Forex market.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be prepared for all situations.

This is a great episode to listen/watch for that!

>> Watch the video!

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