Don't Rush The Trading Process & You'll Succeed

In episode 220 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Raja Zahoor known as WicksDontLie online.

Raja is a Forex day trader who focuses on trading with the trend. He had very interesting advice on how you too can succeed as a full-time Forex trader.

>> Watch the video recording!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... "If you remove emotions from every position, it becomes really easy" 00:40 How did Raja Zahoor start to trade 01:40 What were Raja Motivations to get into trading 03:02 What learning curve Raja have to go through to become successful 04:40 Which was the turning point in Raja's trading? 06:42 How Raja determined which were the best times to trade for him, and how he stuck to them 10:29 How your trading times will depend on your lifestyle and personality 12:48 Why Raja prefers day trading over swing trading 14:44 SPONSOR: Soft4FX (manual backtesting software for MT4) 16:27 What is Raja's current trading style 17:37 Which markets Raja is focusing his trading on 19:26 Which challenges Raja faced in his transition from part-time to full-time trading 20:58 Some of the times in which Raja changed his trading because of the psychological effects of living from your trading 24:26 How do you make sure that emotions don't affect your trading too much 26:23 How did Raja find his trading personality and made tweaks to his trading 30:28 Raja's piece of advice for struggling traders 34:04 Where to find Raja 36:32 How the future looks for Raja 37:13 Raja's motivation for all he does 38:24 Raja's top piece of advice for traders 39:35 And much more!  

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Resources Mentioned SPONSOR: Soft4FX (manual backtesting software for MT4) DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) Recommended brokers: AxiTrader (use our link to get a special bonus) Pepperstone (special signup offer) SCM (Scandinavian Capital Markets) Desire To TRADE Academy About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes Where to find Raja Zahoor! Youtube Instagram

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