5 Reasons Why Your Trading Strategy Isn’t Making You A Living Yet!!

In episode 207 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I am joined by Alejandro from the DesireToTRADE Team to talk about the 5 reasons why your trading strategy isn't making you living yet.

Are you ready for it?

Watch the video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... 1st reason: untested plan 01:16 What is the process traders should use for backtesting their strategies 03:05 2nd reason: not using high-quality data 05:32
Recap 07:03 3rd reason: making a lot of mistakes in live trading 07:27 4th reason: not understand the risk profile of your strategies 09:03 5th reason: trading a system not suited to your personality and life 13:16 Open Q&A 19:16 And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Resources Mentioned Soft4FX (manual backtesting software for MT4) TickDataSuite (high-quality data for algo backtest on MT4) Edgework (Trading Journal ) One-Page Trading Plan DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) Recommended brokers: AxiTrader (use our link to get a special bonus) SCM (Scandinavian Capital Markets) DesireToTRADE Academy About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes

5 Reasons Why Your Trading Strategy Isn’t Making You A Living Yet!!

In episode 207 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I am joined by Alejandro from the DesireToTRADE Team to talk about the 5 reasons why your trading strategy isn't making you living yet.

Are you ready for it?

Watch the video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... 1st reason: untested plan 01:16 What is the process traders should use for backtesting their strategies 03:05 2nd reason: not using high-quality data 05:32 Recap 07:03 3rd reason: making a lot of mistakes in live trading 07:27 4th reason: not understand the risk profile of your strategies 09:03 5th reason: trading a system not suited to your personality and life 13:16 Open Q&A 19:16 And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Resources Mentioned Soft4FX (manual backtesting software for MT4) TickDataSuite (high-quality data for algo backtest on MT4) Edgework (Trading Journal ) One-Page Trading Plan DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) Recommended brokers: AxiTrader (use our link to get a special bonus) SCM (Scandinavian Capital Markets) DesireToTRADE Academy About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes