Using Trading Systems To Make A Living

In episode 203 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I speak with Scott Welsh, a systems trader.

We discuss his story as a Forex trader as well as how he was able to develop simple systems to make a living in the market.

Are you ready for it?


Watch the video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... Who is Scott Welsh and what he does? 02:16 How Scott started trading 03:23 How was the Scott's transition from Stocks to Forex 05:38 Scott's main mistake when learning to trade 07:04 Biggeset turning point in Scott's trading career 08:31 How Scott handles long periods of profits or losses 12:08 Why Scott loves to trade with algos 13:13 How does Scott gets his systems programed? 15:45 What is Scott's trading style 16:53 What are the type of things that Scott's strategies look for 19:44 How does Scott monitor and review his algo strategies 22:08 Scott's advice for traders going into Algo trading 23:56 How Scott goes from testing to trading his Algos 25:58 What type of equipment and technology Scott uses to run his Algos 28:53 Scott´s recommendations for all traders 31:14 How Scott manages when Algos are not working well and have to be droped 24:23 What Scott needs to trust his trading systems 36:59 How can you find Scott Welsh 38:15 And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Resources Mentioned Virtual Private Server (VPS): AccuWebHosting FXVPS VPN: Torguard VPN (use coupon code DTT10 for a 10% lifetime discount)


DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) DesireToTRADE Academy How To Find Scott Welsh? Twitter Website About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes

Using Trading Systems To Make A Living

In episode 203 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I speak with Scott Welsh, a systems trader.

We discuss his story as a Forex trader as well as how he was able to develop simple systems to make a living in the market.

Are you ready for it?


Watch the video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... Who is Scott Welsh and what he does? 02:16 How Scott started trading 03:23 How was the Scott's transition from Stocks to Forex 05:38 Scott's main mistake when learning to trade 07:04 Biggeset turning point in Scott's trading career 08:31 How Scott handles long periods of profits or losses 12:08 Why Scott loves to trade with algos 13:13 How does Scott gets his systems programed? 15:45 What is Scott's trading style 16:53 What are the type of things that Scott's strategies look for 19:44 How does Scott monitor and review his algo strategies 22:08 Scott's advice for traders going into Algo trading 23:56 How Scott goes from testing to trading his Algos 25:58 What type of equipment and technology Scott uses to run his Algos 28:53 Scott´s recommendations for all traders 31:14 How Scott manages when Algos are not working well and have to be droped 24:23 What Scott needs to trust his trading systems 36:59 How can you find Scott Welsh 38:15 And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Resources Mentioned Virtual Private Server (VPS): AccuWebHosting FXVPS VPN: Torguard VPN (use coupon code DTT10 for a 10% lifetime discount)


DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) DesireToTRADE Academy How To Find Scott Welsh? Twitter Website About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes

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