Success Story Behind Starting A Forex Broker - Arif Alexander Ahmad

In episode 198 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Arif Alexander Ahmad, Managing Partner at Scandinavian Capital Markets.

In this interview, he tells us about the story behind the creation of SCM and how they do things differently to others. This interview is made in the "Lets Talk Brokers" format we run once in a while on the Youtube Channel.


Watch: Video interview!

In This Episode, You'll Learn... Who is Arif and what he does 00:50 What platforms does Scandinavian Capital Markets offer 02:59 Leverage & money management 06:30 Withdrawals & Deposits 08:37 Spread & commissions 10:43 Customer service & member interface 13:46 How you can find out more about Arif 17:35 And much more!

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