Julian Lim: Making Trading Forex For A Living A Reality

In episode 81 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Julian Lim, a Forex trader based in Singapore who’s putting in the work and progressively making the jump toward scaling his full-time trading activities (i.e. trading Forex for a living).

Julian started his trading journey in stocks about 5 years ago, and although it wasn’t necessarily easy, he managed to stand out by pursuing his passion for trading in the Forex market.

I asked Julian for an interview after reading his notes in regards to trading for a living in a Facebook group. Julian Lim, with his down-to-earth attitude, accepted to record an interview on what he experienced while making the progressive jump to trading Forex for a living.

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Money in trading is made by sitting and waiting - Julian Lim CLICK TO TWEET

Money management is key. Don't lose it all at once! - Julian Lim CLICK TO TWEET

In This Episode, You’ll Learn… How Julian started to trade stocks. Why Julian was able to double his account 3 times, but couldn’t keep the money. The role your friends and family play in your full-time trading. Why you don’t need a huge trading account to trade for a living. Some tips on cutting your expenses to ensure you make it in trading Forex for a living. How to destroy the need for confirmation from others. How to get back on track when things don’t go well. Many other principles to help you understand trading for a living. And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Resources Mentioned In The Interview

Note: FX and Trading – Should you fork out the money for a ‘guru’?

Notes On Trading For A Living (see the show notes on the blog)

Edgewonk: Forex Trading Journal Software: purchase Edgewonk and you'll get a complimentary access to the Desire To Trade Academy for free! Email me after your purchase so I can give you access

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