Michael Toma: Master In Risk Management & Futures Trader

Episode 73 of the Desire To Trade Podcast is starting off the year strongly! I'm planning on bringing you the best trading-related podcast that gives results.

Still, as part of the Holiday special, I'm interviewing for the second time Michael Toma. I selected guests that had made an impact on me throughout the year and Michael was definitely one of them.

In short, Michael Toma is a futures trader and I consider him to be a master when it comes to risk management (although that's a wide topic)

>> Listen to the first episode with Michael Toma

I've had the chance to connect with him in person once and Michael always impresses me by the wisdom he has when it comes to the execution part of trading. As a futures trader, he understood that he didn't need to be active in every market to make money but that he did need to leave his trades run if he wanted to pay for his lifestyle.

For this new year, I'd love if you can take a few seconds to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher. Let me know honestly what you think of the podcast because the only way I can improve is through your reviews.

  In This Episode, You'll Learn... A simple and clear definition of your role as a Forex trader. How to identify what you need to work on as a trader. Trading on-the-go and the importance of simplicity. How to use Market Profile in your trading (that's a really interesting part!) The places where Michael sees most traders fall short. Why it is essential (but weird) to scale up by increments when you trade. Michael and I share both of our experiences. The BEST advice Michael has to give in regards to 2017. That starts off the year really strong! And much more!

What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

Michael Toma's Book

The Risk of Trading: Mastering the Most Important Element in Financial Speculation

Resources Mentioned Market Profile DesireToTRADE's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) DesireToTRADE Academy How To Find Michael Toma? Facebook

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