Episode 3: Sustainable Functional Recovery: A New Engineering Design Paradigm


The novel Converging Design research project merges post-earthquake functional recovery with sustainability. Project PI Andre Barbosa discusses potential results from this effort, such as building code updates and new building products. Other tangible outcomes: successful industry-academia partnerships — and a cohort of engineering students who will take lessons about _sustainable functional recovery_ into the future. Barbosa welcomes individuals curious about sustainable design to contact or visit to the Tallwood Design Institute, located on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon.


Find out the Tallwood Design Institute, a collaboration between Oregon State University and the University of Oregon: https://tallwoodinstitute.org/


Get background info on the multi-institutional NHERI Converging Design project: https://tallwoodinstitute.org/converging-design-home-5663/


Read up on Professor Barbosa’s research at Oregon State University: https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~barbosa/


The NHERI at UC San Diego shake table, LHPOST6, is the world’s largest outdoor shake table: https://ucsd.designsafe-ci.org/


Follow Dr. Barbosa on X: @BarbosaRDGroup


Collaborative Research: Converging Design Methodology: Multi-objective Optimization of Resilient Structural Spines NSF Award #2120683 https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2120683&HistoricalAwards=false


Questions about NHERI or NHERI extreme events research? Contact us: [email protected].