
Justin currently teaches physical education and health, in Central NJ.  He previously taught in Springfield, Mercer County Special Services and Lambertville Public School. He is the brains behind #slowchatpe and He is also the co-creator of,, and the Voxer physical education chat which has 500 physical education teachers from all over the world. Justin is also the technology director for the NJ AHPERD which is the NJ state organization for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Drivers Education programs. Justin provides professional development to school districts across the nation as well keynoting conferences. In his spare time, he helps organize EdCamps, attends conferences, and raising his family.Twitter: @SchleiderJustinEmail: [email protected]:


Host: Elissa FrazierEmail: [email protected]: @fraziersvisionDesigned To Thrive Podcast is a produced by NIA Development and Educational Design Solutions