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Paul Friedman is a man with a mission. And a tough mission, at that.

He is focusing on one of our nation’s most controversial issues, gun control. For the last 2 years, he was the Exe Director of the VTV Family Outreach Foundation, a non-profit created by families of the victims and survivors of the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting tragedy.

And considering, as a nation, we still face many system-fails within our current background check systems, he has recently shifted his direction and established a new non-profit, Safer Country. His goals appear to be simple–get the names of prohibited persons into the gun background check system and prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands–but unfortunately, the task is not.

So, join us as we sit down with Paul and learn more about the current state-of-affairs and how we can all try to prevent more senseless-acts of violence.


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