Award-winning journalist. Compelling story teller. A woman about town, for sure. Francine definitely is a gal after our own hearts.

At the ripe old age of 2-years-old, her refined palette was already being established as she regularly dined on escargot, followed by a Napolean for dessert. Most likely, this was beginning of her great love affair with the hospitality industry which propelled her on a journey that put her in the middle of food and beverage industry.

And now, she’s championing the efforts of the Women’s Cocktail Collective, an organization built on the collaboration of 10 leading female spirits producers, who have come together to elevate the voices of women in their shared industry. Yes, it is true, there is strength in numbers. So, join the effort.  

Cocktail time? Make your favorite DDS recipe and enjoy this episode. Then make sure you subscribe, download and review to let us know what you think of the show!