Get the featured cocktail recipes: Mi Corazon  

It’s incredible how the humblest of things can inspire greatness. Or how sometimes being lost is exactly what you need to be in order to find direction. According to Ruben Garcia, this is how he found his way into the kitchen. Of course, this may be how it all started, but his tenacity, talent and love of cooking is why he’s called some of the most highly-recognized restaurants in the world, home.

Fortunately for us all, Ruben has made the kitchen is his home and the staff his family. And with dedication to both, he continues to rise to the Think Food Group’s challenge of developing amazing dining experiences that titillate the taste buds and leave the other four senses begging for more.

Want to keep fallin’ in love? Then head over to our library of libations to find more recipes that will make you fall head over heels . Don't forget to support us by subscribing, downloading and reviewing the show. We’d love to hear from you