Get the featured cocktail recipes: Mindless Sour  

Born in Peru, Melanie had her first taste of her homeland’s national spirit at the ripe old age of 12 years when she topped her ice cream with a bit of pisco. This early life experience—or as Melanie would call it, “divine intervention”—set into motion her journey to becoming the founder of Macchu Pisco, the first woman-founded pisco export business.

With unwavering persistence, shear tenacity and a very supportive family, Melanie has turned her childhood dream into a successful business that does good as she makes good. She has been recognized many times for their on-going involvement in organizations promoting fair trade, their pledge to pay fair wages for farmers and crop pickers and their commitment to work exclusively with a select group of growers who deploy only natural, healthy growing practices. That's good for them. Good for us. And good for the earth. Salud!

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