Do you ever find yourself saying... “I wish I had more time?” or “24 hours in a day are really not enough?”

Me too! If I’m honest...I think I wore it like a badge of honor ... then I would complain about all the things I had on my schedule.

Then one day Richard called me out on it...

And it was like a switch flipped… and I set out to reclaim my day…

Now, I don’t feel “overwhelmed” by alllll the things… even though I have a business and raising 3 little people while being a wife, sister, daughter, friend…...

How did I do it? 

Over the years, Richard and I came up with three simple tools to create time for ourselves, not just to do more, but also to breathe, rest, and enjoy living in the present, and today, we’re sharing them with you.

So, if you’re ready to learn about these tools, give this week’s episode a listen, and let us know what you think!

Key Points Discussed

Intro (00:00)The short sentence that will help you reclaim your day (04:17)How to stop living on other people’s schedule (11:40)The power of focused energy (17:39)

Additional Resources 

Hope you enjoyed that episode! If you did, please give us your honest review on Apple Podcasts… It would mean the world to us!

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