Dr Sohial Farzem is a Dr of TCM and Acupuncturist who is all about aligning your core values to help you empower your mindset for maximum personal business achievement.

Some lessons he’s learnt along the way:
- You can wait for change to come to you – OR you can create change from within you
- You have everything you need to be inspired from within
- You have every trait that you seek from others around you…within you
- A great mentor holds up a mirror and invites you to explore your greatness

Dr Sohial is ready to help you explore…

- Your greatness
- Your true potential
- Your Breakthrough
- Your transformation
- Your mastery


Go deep as Dr Sohial and ‘Tina chat about empowering your mindset.


Connect with Dr Sohial Farzem at https://pillarsofmastery.co/

Connect with ‘Tina Murray at http://tinamurray.com/

Connect with ‘Tina on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TinaMurrayInsideAngle