Prosper Taruvinga was born in Zimbabwe and now lives in Melbourne Australia with his wife Angela and daughter Kaliyah.A die-hard about personal development, lifestyle design, and entrepreneurship, Prosper considers himself a lifelong student of life, constantly striving to become the best man that he can be and helping others along the way.He inspires others to live a happier existence through writing and podcasts where he helps coaches, consultants and other service professionals package, brand and market their services so they have a business that is enjoyable and profitable.He believes everyone has a chance and that yours is just around the corner if you allow yourself to grab it.Be inspired by Prosper as he and ‘Tina chat about what happens when you allow yourself to take that chance.Connect with Prosper Taruvinga at with Prosper Taruvinga on Facebook at with ‘Tina Murray at with 'Tina Murray on Facebook at