Listen now (34 min) | John De Campos, founder of Terrible Games, shares his journey from a comic book-obsessed child to an independent board game publisher, designer, and illustrator. Our heroes glean insights on the comparisons between self-publishing and traditional publishing, and the creative collaborations involved, into building a brand, maintaining a small business, and the importance of community and collaboration in creative ventures.

Read the transcript.

Things discussed on this episode:

00:00 - Introduction to John De Campos and Terrible Games
00:56 - Early Life and Inspirations
01:33 - Journey into Board Game Design
02:48 - Building the Terrible Games Team
04:34 - Challenges and Successes in Game Publishing
06:36 - Insights on Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
08:25 - Creative Collaborations and Game Development
20:49 - The Influence of Magic: The Gathering
28:01 - "Death to videodrome."

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