Host: Allen Higgins. 

We are delighted to have Fergal O’Reilly with us today. Fergal is an Adjunct professor and a Research Physics & Innovation Officer in the UCD School of Physics, with a career that spans, experimental physics, innovation, entrepreneurship and new venture formation.

Could you tell us a little about yourself and your background to begin?

1.     SiriusXT offers a great example of the process of bringing scientific discoveries through to market, from primary research and development to commercial offerings, can you share a story of going from a handful of founders to a new enterprise?

2.     Is the process repeatable? What part do you think is the most difficult?

3.     Do you think it’s necessary for a science-driven venture to have a singular design concept, even though it is probably complex, complicated and multi-disciplinary?

4.     Do scientist founders with deep specialised knowledge really need to invest in building their competences in other specialisms? I suppose ‘business expertise’ is the most cited example.

5.     How relevant is institutional support for these endeavors, from the University, from national agencies, and the EU?

6.     What kind of supports and surrounding environment do you think research scientists need to make the leap of faith to initiate or join an entrepreneurial venture? 

7.     What words of advice would you give research team thinking of taking that step, from university laboratory to commercial realities?

8.     When (if ever) should founders bring in the next generation of leadership?

9.     <questions from the audience>

Well, we’ll wrap up there.

Thank you for sharing your experience and learning with us today.



Title: Voltaic Fluctuations

Artist: Ben Prunty


License: Non-transferable license. Permission granted by Ben Prunty

Cover Art 

Title: Complex collage

Artist: Allen Higgins

Source: vignette_version.pptx

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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