Host(s) Kathleen Boyles and Anil Yadav 

Hello, I am Kat

And I am Anil

We are very pleased to welcome Lisa Simpson from Deloitte Ireland.

First, Lisa, could you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to manage Deloitte’s Blockchain lab in Dublin?.

1.What is a Blockchain lab? [What is it like to work in a Blockchain lab?]

2.What application areas are suitable Blockchain technology? [Does Blockchain enable completely new application areas?]

3.How radical is Blockchain? [How do you strike a balance between depicting Blockchain as a normal transformative technology versus a radical transformative technology?]

4.Are Blockchains producing new organisational forms?

5.Are Blockchains producing new kinds of assets?

6.Can a blockchain enable a joint enterprise without collocation? [What are the necessary conditions for these globally distributed virtual entities to thrive?]

7.What does a Blockchain supply chain look like? [How different are they from the traditional idea of a supply chain?]

8.To switch context slightly, could you talk briefly about emerging trends like DAOs and NFTs?

9.Other questions?


Speaker bio: Lisa Simpson is a Director in Deloitte Ireland and is currently responsible for managing the business and strategic operations for Deloitte’s EMEA Blockchain lab. Lisa’s role is to support her clients in navigating their blockchain and digital assets journey from initial ideation and strategic positioning through to project delivery and production launch

Deloitte Ireland -



Title: Check Them In

Artist: Ema Grace


License: CC BY 4.0

Artist notes: Ema Grace is an AI vocaloid produced by Ryoma MAEDA (@Ryoma_Maeda). Styled as virtual Singer&Idol 架空のバーチャルアイドル & シンガー、それがEma Grace. 

Cover Art 

Title: Guest Billboard

Artist: Allen Higgins



Podcast License

Design Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

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