Hosts: Kira Koval and Amine Berrahal

We are talking with Fiona Walsh from Imagine Coaching. 

You are very welcome Fiona. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

1.PowerPoint has become a hugely important medium for communication, and you are becoming known as a go-to person for PowerPoint design and power tips. What do you look for in a well-designed presentation? [checklist?]

2.What awesome features do you use for your own designs, that people don’t generally know about? 

3.Can you talk about your own workflow?

4.Is using PowerPoint for webinars and for creating videos essentially the same thing?

5.Is there single slide design that can satisfy the whole audience - visual, auditory, textual? [mixed audience; assess your dominant VAK/VARK]

6.What design choices making a slide more accessible? [font, size, colours, contrast, on screen readability, information density - who, how and where it will be presented…] [complex tables are a particular area of concern for screen readers…]

7.How can we build accessibility into presentations? [use the built-in accessibility checker] [use the screen reader to listen back to the slides as they would be read by blind user] [use subtitle/captioning features]

8.Can you give us some tips on the tools you use to get the aesthetics right, the colour combinations, the layout? [Text Effects] [Adobe Color] [symmetry/asymmetry; rule of thirds; golden ratio; silver ratio; contrasting/complimentary colours; negative space; white space; visual: contrast, alignment, symmetry, repetition, proximity; dealing with text+visual; different reading orders; less-is-more; intended clutter…]

9.Is there anything extra you’d like to share before we finish? [speaker notes] [exporting or printing PDF]

Well, we’ll wrap up there.

Thank you for talking with us today.






(EzaOne - Supernova:

Title: Eza One - Supernova

Artist: Argofox (record label)

Source: “”

License: “CC BY”

Argofox is a record label releasing royalty free music for creators to use in monetized videos and streams in exchange for credit.

Cover Art 

Title: The Driver - Humanscale Blueprint - Space Envelope for a Compact Automobile

Artist: Graphic design by Allen Higgins 

Source: file

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The graphic is under Fair Use and adapted from “Space Envelope for a Compact Automobile” from Humanscale 7/8/9 booklet by Niels Diffrient, Alvin R. Tilley and David Harman; Henry Dreyfuss Associates, M.I.T. Press (1981)

Podcast License

Design Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

The license can be viewed at

By taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.