
Allen Higgins 

David Fitzgerald 


Sean Dorn

Brian Manning

Miriam Kelly


Ruth Campion

Allen Higgins



In this series of talks we will be focusing on inclusive design, designing for access for everyone, because we shouldn’t need to compromise between usability and accessibility.

I’m Allen


And I’m David

And we’d like to welcome…

Sean Doran, Brian Manning, and Miriam Kelly 

From the NCBI, the National Council for the Blind Ireland.

First, would you like to say a little about yourselves?

[Sean Doran]

[Brian Manning]

[Miriam Kelly]


Perhaps to start, can you introduce us to some real users’ needs and how new assistive technologies are helping people do more in the world?

Question areas… 

[note - we won't be able to cover them all]

•Talk about recent advancements in accessibility technologies

•What is the regulatory requirement?

•What are the biggest challenges facing users? (everything going online must be a big issue, i.e. government services, banking, telecommunications, billing for anything and everything)

•How should we evaluate an app for different levels of accessibility use?

•Comment on the challenge of making the case for accessibility in apps, web services from day one.

•How tough is the disability audience for suppliers to satisfy? How do you get them on-side?

•How deep does access need to go?

•Comment on customer facing organisations where accessibility is a core value?

•What tech roles are feasible for a visually impaired employee?

•Your involvement in evaluating new technologies and then training and supporting users?

•Are you ever invited in the to the design process at an early stage?

•What practical access-skills do designers need to test the features and judge accessibility function/performance?

•Any advice on how to make accessibility designing integral to the development lifecycle for all kinds of products, services and the internet?

•Can you suggest good practice design principles, in addition to the fundamental elements like labelling things? 

•Are there good practices for the number of elements to keyboard tab through per page/screen? 

•What does a resilient workflow on a page/screen? What about keeping to a coherent design language from page to page?

•You’ve talked about voice-over and screen readers. Is voice control becoming more useful or reliable?

•With the move to WFH are video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams usable?

[Closing comments] 

[Thank the panel and guests] 


Music by Argofox (CC-BY license)

(EzaOne - Supernova:

Title: “Eza One - Supernova”

Artist: “Argofox”

Source: “”

License: “CC BY”

Appendix - Notes and sources

The `Design Talk dot ie’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license (aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This license can be viewed at

By taking part you are entering a verbal agreement giving permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, for it to be posted and published as a podcast available from wherever people get their podcasts. 

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.