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Show notes:
Hey Designers,

You are on the last leg of Project You.

Raise your hand if you didn’t really do anything for your project this week.

Raise your hand if you need a boost to complete this first 30 day round

I’ve got the solution for you…

You started off you project excited to begin.  Perhaps that first day you made your change; you tried out your design and you were exuberant about your results.  Maybe you changed your bedtime routine, or made an exercise plan, or batch planned your lessons.

After week one, you had tweaked your design and made it even better

By week three, you were seeing some consistent results.  You celebrated.

Somewhere between week three and week four the momentum has waned.  The exuberance you had in your project in the beginning may be waning.

I’m here to tell you that this is normal.  Settle in for a short story and to learn what to do when you feel like giving up.

Teach Better Network Podcast

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Grab Your Free Project You 30-Day Action Planner!
How's it going? Share your experience with Project You

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