Grab Your Free Project You 30 Day Action Planner!

Show notes:
Hey Designers:

Did you choose you?  Did you make a commitment to make your life just a little bit better?  Are you ready to use your Project You 30 Day Action Planner to dream, organize and execute your design?  If you haven’t already downloaded the planner, go do it.  I’ll wait.

Choosing you can sometimes be the first hurdle.  People often justify choosing themselves by saying that putting yourself first is like putting your oxygen mask on first so that you can help others.  

I say yes, that is probably true and makes a nice bridge for someone who feels like they don’t have enough time for themselves and thinks well I’m really helping others by helping myself. So I get the value in the statement.


You should choose you because you are important, full stop.

You are important.

Choose you.

Listen to the rest of the episode and read the shownotes to get specific strategies for choosing your focus area for Project You. at

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