Do you REALLY need to be in your brand? Like YOU as a person? Yes and no. In this episode, I'll share why you might want to embed you into your business plus we'll dive into how to know how much of you to put in. If you really love pineapple, does that belong in your business? What if your favourite colour is lime green? Should your brand be lime green?

Key Takeaways:

- The importance of understanding how much of oneself to embed in a personal brand, whether it's a lot or a little, and which parts of oneself to feature.

- The significance of building trust and rapport with the audience through personal branding, and how it can be a powerful tool for business credibility.

- Practical advice on aligning personal traits and preferences with the audience's interests, and understanding the relevance and connection between them.

- Using the "WOW Model" to identify the overlap between the business's values, the individual's identity, and the target audience's preferences.

- The significance of balancing professionalism and personal expression in branding, considering the audience's expectations and the industry's requirements.

Tune in to explore the art of personal branding with me, Jacqui Naunton, now.

PS. Want to explore creating your own visual brand? I have a free video series that'll be perfect for you! It's called the Seriously in Business Challenge and you can start binging right now!