Previous Episode: Day 138 - Starter

When tragedy strikes around the world
we see images of destruction and death.
There’s pain and anguish on young faces.

It’s easy to feel helpless.
But there are six key things we can do
in these moments.

We can be with the families
not just as onlookers but in our thoughts.
We can feel and share some of their pain.

We can send our message of love right now.
Personal and direct. We can offer ourselves
and all that we are to support them.

We can give money through agencies.
And we can encourage our friends to do likewise.
Our one small gift can begin an avalanche.

We can create and say a prayer of love.
It’s our call to the power of God to rescue,
change, heal and renew.

We can commit to specific actions
to help create a kinder and more caring world
as we move forward in our own lives.

And we can encourage our children, young people
and colleagues to become First Responders
when they too, hear the news.

Those struggling are not in some far-off land
or on our screens, separate from us.
They are beside us, now.



1. What is the role of a First Responder?
2. Think about the latest world tragedy and see how many of the six points you can do.
3. Imagine if we were the ones who were suffering, and it was our tragedy on the news.

THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog