I am still in the office at home.
I am still at work.
My head is full of stuff.
The number of things to do
seems to be getting longer, not shorter.
For as soon as I cross something off the list
another two things appear needing to be done.
My brain and my whole self are consumed
and controlled by this list
of what needs to be done.

I can’t just walk away from it
for it all needs to be sorted.
And who else will do it, if I don’t?
If this day was twice as long, I would fill it.
If it was shorter, I would cram even more in.
Then it hits me, that I am being managed
by the time available – not by who I am.
I have it all the wrong way round.
For its not about doing but being.
Being is the master of time, my headmaster.



1. What is your 'Headmaster'?   
2. How does time and activity drive who you are? 
3. What does 'being' mean to you - in practical terms? 


THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog