Previous Episode: Day 122 - Alarm Call


Start your daily blog today.
Grab a notebook.
Put day one on the first page.
And write something.
This is a blog for you,
not for the world.
Not for marketing your products
or promoting your expertise.
This is your daily feedback,
conversation and notes for yourself.
It’s your life training manual.
To underpin all that you do.
These are the words that tell you
what’s really happening around you
and within you.
It’s only for you.
And as you build your blog
day by day
you will see themes develop,
ideas flourish and a plan emerge.
You will build a greater sense
of who you really are.
Every day write your blog.
Grab a notebook start today.
It is here where seeds
can be planted and flourish.
For if you write it down
It can become real.
Capture what’s happening
or isn’t happening.
Capture all the joy and gratitude
and all that causes you pain.
For your daily blog
is an ongoing conversation
with all that really matters.
Start your daily blog today. 



1. What would like to say to yourself today? 
2. And how will yourself respond? 


THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog