Previous Episode: Day 119 - One-day Delivery
Next Episode: Day 121 - Empty Chair


Today I’m going to be a bit radical.
I’m going to break my rules.
I’m going to do things differently.
I’m not going to follow
my normal routine.
Today will take on a life
and a process and a
perfect purpose of its own.
Whatever happens, happens.
If it feels right, I’ll do it.
Today I’m going to trust
in the deeper part of myself,
the one that is so often trapped
or locked away.
Today will see a different me.
I’m re-writing my Operations Manual.
Looking at the sky,
walking somewhere different,
just smiling and loving
being with myself.



1. Write the contents page of your personal Operations Manual.
2. Now write the Introduction as if you were talking to yourself. 


THE BOOK - Thinking Differently About Everything: 100 Perspectives on What Really Matters 

Des McCabe's daily blog