For more than 20 years, DMI Coaching has worked with Dentists across the country that realized, no matter how much they knew about their profession, there are a lot of areas about running a Thriving Dental Practice that they don’t teach you in Dental School.


There is a big difference between Knowing something and Doing something. That difference is where DMI shines. Just because you know what to do or even how to do it, doesn’t guarantee you will do it. Most high-level professionals, like Dentists, know exactly what needs to happen to grow their practice, and for many, those things still aren’t happening or are not happening effectively.


Many of DMI’s clients achieve a 40% increase in Revenue within the first year of training with their team. The secret to their success is Simple; they know how to get to the root causes of the issues holding you, your team and your practice back from True Success. 


Their Dynamic approach Achieves and Sustains real change and results. As part of their delivery, they work Side-By-Side with your team to provide training, standardized methodologies, customized dialogues and the coaching needed to make effective transformation happen.


At the end of the day, you don’t want your team to learn some things and walk away with a binder full of information they will never implement. The truly better way is when your team learns to take ownership and pride in the part they play and then they begin to perform at their peak, becoming a more Valuable Asset to you and to your patients.


DMI is your Partner in Success.