Before founding McCall Dentures, Dr Ryan McCall was a typical Midwestern boy from Effingham, IL – a small town with a population of 12,000. Growing up in close proximity to a farm, he was sure about two things: he didn’t want to live in close proximity to a farm forever and he wanted to own a red Subaru Outback! After graduating from dental school, Dr. McCall opened his first office in the super dank city of Fort Collins, CO.  His initial marketing tactic was a $15 hand-painted sign in the front yard. Fifteen months later, he opened another office and then foolishly spent a full year flying from Indianapolis, IN to Denver, CO running both offices. He knew there had to be a better way for himself and future dentists. 2 years later, McCall Dentures was born and the persona of 2 Chairz took flight. Today, Dr. McCall continues to be involved with the company as Executive Chairman. He is always finding ways to encourage and support others - from making charitable donations to offering leadership advice. Beyond spending time with his wife Meredith and their four children, his two favorite past times are playing video games and posting excessively on Instagram (yes, he eventually did get that red Outback!).