Our guest this week Dr. Ivan Chicchon, DDS sits down with Shaun Keating and discusses the sometimes-hard task of having a well-defined work life balance. They talk about Dr. Chicchon’s Entrepreneurial style of work ethic and how he’s been able to create a very successful online business venture, publish a book and take care of his family all at the same time. Dr. Chicchon goes more in-depth on the origin of implantninja.com and his book, which helps dentists get introduced into the world of Dental Implants. You will hear all this and more on this week’s episode of the dental up podcast!

In this Episode you will hear about:
-The Importance of Self-Evaluation
-What fueled Dr. Chicchon’s Drive and passion in becoming an Entrepreneur.
-The Inspiration behind implantninja.com
-Recommendations and tips for those looking to get into dental implants.
-The power of a well-structured sales letter.

For more information on Dr. Chicchon and his book please check out the
Following links down below!
Website: https://implantninja.com
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kH82lN
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lMwKRY