Good marketing should pique the interest of your ideal patient enough to get them to read on.   And you do that with a well-constructed headline.

 I’ve decided to do something a little different, and I’m going to demystify the marketing process that gets patients to take action (like making an appointment).

So for the next few podcasts, I’m doing a series where I’m taking key elements of good marketing and deep-diving into several areas so you can have a lesson plan on how to do this for your office.  If you create your own marketing, or if you hire it out, you will have a master list to see if it checks all the boxes to lead the patient from just thinking about it to actually taking action by coming in.

They are quick lessons with  laser focus on your marketing process and ideas to get you started. 

And with this first one we’re grabbing new patients' attention right off.  If you nail this one, you will be lightyears ahead of all your competitors.