Dr. Paresh Patel is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry and the Medical College of Georgia/AAID MaxiCourse. He is a clinical instructor at the Reconstructive Dentistry Institute. Dr. Patel has placed more than 5,000 implants, has published numerous articles in leading dental journals, and has worked as a lecturer and clinical consultant on dental implants and prosthetics for several leading companies

A Diplomate of the ICOI, Dr. Patel maintains private practices in Lenoir and Mooresville, North Carolina. Contact him at [email protected] or implantsbyparesh.com.

During this Podcast, you will hear:

The pros and cons of removable vs. fixed implant restorations Provisionalizing fully edentulous implant cases Converting overdentures to fixed restorations The advantages of newly developed implant designs in full-arch indications Digital treatment planning and when to consider guided surgery Immediate extraction and implant placement for full-arch restorations The use and clinical benefits of PMMA temporaries Immediate conversion of the patient’s denture at the time of implant placement Why the BruxZir Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis?