Whether you are buying your first practice or acquiring additional locations to expand your business, there are a number of ways it can go very wrong—and most practice brokers won’t warn you about these. So this week, Sabri Blumberg joins us to discuss how you can do your due diligence ahead of time so your future in the practice is filled with success, not regrets. 


2:55 – Buying too much practice

8:15 – Buying a practice with no production in the charts

10:23 – Overpaying for the practice

15:03 – The “active patients” aren’t actually active

19:06 – Not verifying that accounts receivable is adjusted

21:26 – Not being specific enough in the contract

27:00 – Not accounting for Delta Premier

30:09 – The practice is valued based on types of production you won’t be doing

33:02 – Mishandling the staff transition

39:49 – Ignoring red flags


Practice Acquisition Checklist - https://www.mgeonline.com/practice-acquisition-checklist-3