Dentists often wonder why they don’t get more dental patient referrals. Why are they so haphazard? In this podcast, Larry Guzzardo, All-Star Dental Academy’s head instructor, discusses why patients don’t refer more often, how to encourage the team to get more referrals, how to track referrals, and using incentives to get more dental patient referrals. “I think the number one reason why the team doesn't ask for referrals more often is because there's no role model for them, they don't hear the doctor doing it.”


[01:55] Why patient referrals don’t refer more often[04:26] What keeps the team from encouraging more referrals[08:03] Where team members “miss the boat” when it comes to encouraging referrals[12:13] Incentives for patients and team members[17:30] How to track patient referrals[19:01] Verbiage a team member can say to encourage a dental patient referral[21:27] The one thing you can put into play tomorrow to encourage dental patient referrals