Patients avoid or step aside, cancel just flat out don't schedule because they're not really connected to the plan from an emotional state. People buy with emotion justified with logic. Not understanding this leads to diminished dental treatment acceptance. Eric Vickery, President of Coaching, builds on his prior podcast where he discussed the 95-5 rule to case acceptance. In this podcast, you will learn how to connect emotionally with your patient. You will discover their why, and thereby become the logical choice.


[01:27] Why do you think patients don't move forward with treatment or they often cancel their appointments for necessary treatment? What would be an example of why they were looking to discover?[06:09] How do you connect treatment to someone's emotional desires with dentistry? By finding their "Why".[08:49] How can we navigate the word "sell" in dentistry without it being a bad word?[16:29] So how do you find the patients "Why"?[20:31] How does this help large case acceptance?


[PODCAST] Part 1 - The 95/5 Dental Case Acceptance Rule