In this episode of Dental All Stars, host Alex Nottingham introduces the concept of The Dental Force Awakens. This is a two-part presentation that looks at the dark forces affecting dental practices, and how to overcome them. The concept is based on the Star Wars movie series, which explores the forces of good versus evil and the hero's journey. Part one looks at the dark forces, while part two focuses on becoming a dental Jedi master and the five steps to accomplish this. Nottingham encourages viewers to engage with the podcast and hopes they will find it interesting and inspiring.

Watch Part 2!


[00:00] "The Dental Force Awakens: Overcoming Dark Forces and Becoming a Dental Jedi Master"
 [02:03] Exploring the Difference Between External and Internal Forces in Professional Practice
 [05:31] Analysis of Dark Forces Impacting the Dental Industry
 [09:54] The Advantages of Private Dentistry vs. Corporate Dentistry
 [12:00] Exploring the Challenges of Dental Marketing in the 21st Century


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