It's happening.... MY FIRST EVER PODCAST EPISODE IS LIVE!!! What is LIFE!?!? Thank you SO much for tuning in to the first episode of Denney's Brew & Gratitude! I truly would not be able to have accomplished this without YOU. 

I wanted to make this first episode one that could be easy to relate to.. one where you felt you could truly empathize with. This is the one where you learn to STOP putting so much gosh darn pressure on yourself! We spend so much time focusing on what we want to do, that we forget to appreciate where we currently are. STOP focusing on the past, you can't change it. No matter what you do, you cannot change what has already happened. The future? STOP worrying about what might happen. It hasn't happened yet. Stop putting pressure and stress on yourself about things that you have no control over, especially on the ones that haven't happened! I know this is all much easier said than done, but, I believe in YOU. If you are constantly worrying about where you need to be, you forget to take a step back and appreciate where you are right now. You will never be satisfied, and will therefore have set an unattainable bar for yourself. The you last year? That version of you would be SO DANG PROUD of the current you! Stop, and take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. 

A HUGE thank you to the following individuals, this podcast would not have happened without them! 

- Katrina Ragland. My personality perfectly captured in only a few photos! Make sure to check her out for any of your photography needs, advice, whatever it may be! 
Instagram: katrina_ragland AND katrinar7

- Sergio Ortiz. Serg did an absolutely stellar job of putting an authentic beat to my personality! Make sure to check him out for any of your music needs, wants, and desires!
Instagram: sergih03

- Rachel Sowder. The essence of Denney's Brew & Gratitude simply put in an AMAZING logo! Make sure to check her out for any of your creative needs, ideas, gifts, anything you want brought to life!
Etsy shop:
Instagram: resowder