Alright, so I know I said this last time, but I know it's been a while since I have released an episode. HOWEVER!! This episode is packed with so many awesome, funny, relatable nuggets, I know you will forgive me! This week Denney's Brew & Gratitude has another guest.. Megan Blust! I met her through one of my best friends, and you guys, she is seriously SO great! All we do is laugh when we talk, and it is always a good time when we connect with one another. I hope you are able to have a few takeaways from this episode, because it's filed with so many great things! OH AND AS PROMISED... there are some dating horror stories at the end of this one!! ENJOY!! <3

Ways to follow Megan!
Instagram: megantheeitalian

Enneagram tests:
1. --> this one is FREE!
2. --> this one is $12, but I definitely think it's worth it! This is the one I took, along with some of my friends and my sister!

A HUGE thank you to the following individuals, this podcast would not have happened without them! 

- Katrina Ragland. My personality perfectly captured in only a few photos! Make sure to check her out for any of your photography needs, advice, whatever it may be! 
Instagram: katrina_ragland AND katrinar7

- Sergio Ortiz. Serg did an absolutely stellar job of putting an authentic beat to my personality! Make sure to check him out for any of your music needs, wants, and desires!
Instagram: sergih03

- Rachel Sowder. The essence of Denney's Brew & Gratitude simply put in an AMAZING logo! Make sure to check her out for any of your creative needs, ideas, gifts, anything you want brought to life!
Etsy shop:
Instagram: resowder