Denise Griffitts Interviews Kelle Eli, The Leader in Consciousness Training.

At her core, Kelle Eli is a researcher. And her passion is Spiritual Consciousness, the power which ignites and fuels all of our outcomes. She has devoted her life to finding the tools that produce measurable and consistent results. This has given her clients lasting change, and the grounded certainty they seek.

At 15, Kelle set out to find out why people only use 10% of their potential. With degrees in Biochemistry, Physiology, and Energy Medicine, she’s applied a scientific mindset to consciousness and energy studies for 30+ years. With over 15 years experience in private practice, Kelle teaches individuals how to leverage the innate powers within their consciousness field to clear, heal and elevate their energy. Her specialty is the application of spiritual principles to create immediate energetic results.

Now, Kelle speaks nationwide on what she's discovered about Human Consciousness and how to work with the Divine to more easily receive your dreams on Earth. 

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