Today is the first monthly Ask Denise Griffits teleseminar where you can ask any question at all about the virtual assistance industry. And please rest assured, no matter your current level of experience in this industry, there are no stupid questions and we ALL need assistance every now and then. Please feel free to ask away! If I don’t immediately have the answer, I promise one will be found for you.

Each month I will ask somebody from our Facebook group, Your Virtual Assistant, to co-pilot with me and this month I am delighted to have Adam Hommey join me. As you probably already know, Adam is a website conversions and internet marketing technology expert and he is quite active in our group. And for that, I thank him.

Today our topic is one that seems to top of mind in our FB group. We are discussing building a VA team. Should you? What are the pros and cons? What are the best practices? It is a wide-ranging topic and we will do our best to answer all of your questions.