The Mission: HR podcast a three-part series based on extracts from Denis Barnard’s book published in 2023.
The premise of the book is to open up the discussion on clarifying the role of HR in an organisation, what it should be doing and the outputs to be expected from it.
Along the way, it examines current perceptions of the function and suggests an action plan to raise its value all round.

1. Roles that HR must fill:


2. Areas for execution of the mission:

Technology – Workforce Development ComplianceOrganisational Aspirations (and Obligations) Compensation

3. Actions for the mission:

Technology Workforce Development

a) Line management development

b) Employee development

3. Compliance

4. Facilitate organisational aspirations

5. Performance

6. Compensation

(43) Denis (Wallace) Barnard | LinkedIn
#HRIS #HumanResources #HRTech #HRSoftware #Podcast #GreenRiverTechnology #leader #leadership