This episode is Part III to our Data 101 series and fits nicely with Episodes 9 and 12 (Parts I and II, respectively).  

In this episode, Chris reviews another technique for reporting called “Ranking and Diagnostic.”  Ranking and Diagnostic Reporting is a method of reporting where the metrics to be collected based on a reporting strategy that will rank order performance on a particular outcome metric based on actionable segments.  And then, a series of diagnostic metrics are used to define what drives outcomes in one direction or another.

Why: The idea of ranking and diagnostic reporting is a frame of reference to be used when designing a data plan that will ensure the resulting information will be actionable.Ranking Metrics: Ranking metrics will always have two components: A) an independent variable that defines different areas of management and B) an outcome measure that defines success with which to rank order the independent variables.Diagnostic Metrics: Diagnostic metrics are the key drivers of the outcome you’re measuring.  Key drivers are determined using common sense, management initiatives, or statistical analysis.Putting it all into Practice: By using ranking and diagnostic reporting together, you have a robust reporting tool that informs stakeholders when action is needed, where it is needed, and what needs to be done to fix things.

Other Reporting Frameworks

Event Marketing Performance and How to Report ItRecap Reporting, Brand Strategy, and Event Marketing Measurement

<p>This episode is Part III to our Data 101 series and fits nicely with Episodes 9 and 12 (Parts I and II, respectively).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>In this episode, Chris reviews another technique for reporting called “Ranking and Diagnostic.”&nbsp;&nbsp;Ranking and Diagnostic Reporting is a method of reporting where the metrics to be collected based on a reporting strategy that will rank order performance on a particular outcome metric based on actionable segments.&nbsp;&nbsp;And then, a series of diagnostic metrics are used to define what drives outcomes in one direction or another.</p><ul><li><strong>Why</strong>: The idea of ranking and diagnostic reporting is a frame of reference to be used when designing a data plan that will ensure the resulting information will be actionable.</li><li><strong>Ranking Metrics</strong>: Ranking metrics will always have two components: A) an independent variable that defines different areas of management and B) an outcome measure that defines success with which to rank order the independent variables.</li><li><strong>Diagnostic Metrics</strong>: Diagnostic metrics are the key drivers of the outcome you’re measuring.&nbsp;&nbsp;Key drivers are determined using common sense, management initiatives, or statistical analysis.</li><li><strong>Putting it all into Practice</strong>: By using ranking and diagnostic reporting together, you have a robust reporting tool that informs stakeholders when action is needed, where it is needed, and what needs to be done to fix things.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Other Reporting Frameworks</strong></p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Event Marketing Performance and How to Report It</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Recap Reporting, Brand Strategy, and Event Marketing Measurement</a></li></ul>