Where he wants to be found: www.percivalconstantine.com 

Dark Crossroads Universe 

Corsairs Kindle Vella serial

6:55 When did you know you wanted to get into podcasting?

Origins of Superhero Cinephiles 

Previous Guest Connection

How be became a professional author

12:22 What do you wish you had known when you had started out?

Writing:  Understanding Kindle market and how much to publish

Podcasting:  Zoom

14:39 What’s your go-to order at your favorite hometown restaurant?

Hear his order from Lou Malnati’s Pizza

Stories of international travel with a child

From Chicago to living in Japan

20:05 What are you curious about?

Historical Deep Dives

22:45 What should I ask you that I didn't know enough to ask?

Podcasting w/Children

If you could create a new holiday what would it commemorate?

Derrick Fergusson Day