My next guest is a writer, podcaster, and a “few other things.”  He has the unenviable task of shouldering The Unbearable Weight of Nicolas Cage and is the co-host of the D’oh-Mance Dawn podcast, among many others. Please make some noise for Luke Herr

Where to find him: @Koltreg on social media

Luke’s podcasts: 

5:31 When did you know you wanted to get into podcasting?

How many podcasts does Luke do?

 Where did the idea of D’oh Mance Dawn come from?

 The difference between gaming on camera and not

11:28 What do you wish you had known when you had started out?

Publishing perils

12:47 What's your go-to order at your favorite hometown restaurant?

Bakery favs and losses

15:16 What are you curious about?

Faith, religions, and contradictions
18:52 What should I ask you that I didn’t know enough to ask?

Current projects

23:12 If you could create a new holiday what would it commemorate?

Friends Day

And there are a couple of bonus questions at the end!!!