Where does D. Murph want to be found:  Twitter and Instagram: @ItsDMurph

Website:  www.dmurphspeaks.com

How WhyNotSports and Flagrant 2 podcasts started 

What was his The Game changer 

7:16 When did you know you wanted to get into podcasting?

Family, Love Language and Humility

14:34 What do you wish you had known when you had started out?


Staying Focused

19:09 What’s your go-to order at your favorite hometown restaurant?

The D.Murph Standard for Mexican Food

21:42 What are you curious about?


Why so curious?

24:59 What should I ask you that I didn't know enough to ask?

How and Why of Staying Centered

28:38 If you could create a new holiday what would it commemorate?

Parents Day!

Music by Christopher the Producer