Where he wants to be found on the internet: https://giantsdancegames.com/

Q1 3:16 Lucky Moments

From LARPs to video games

How he really knew

Andy’s Dad’s Advice

Q2 7:44 Player Agency

Return to Krondor example

Learn to Program

Q3 11:41 Magnolia Grill

Breakfast Burrito

Mexican Chicken Salad w/Banana Bread

Socialize w/Co-workers

Q4 14:08 Gameable Historical Curiosities

Weird 60 year period of Leon

How he discovered this bit of history

American South prior to the Civil War 

Q5 20:28 What would we care about?

More Daddy Ashcraft advice

Hot Wheels Love

Q6 28:14 Future Pacing

Final Word 31:19 Know your Mind