Keith Cooper is a streamer and podcaster who saved us from a spin off about a comic book artist named Devante naming his show Blerd-ish.  

Where he would like to be found:

3:33 Q1: When did you know you wanted to become a podcaster?

Pros and Cons of FandomHow Keith became a sellerChaos with booking“Worst” nerd take

19:04 Q2: What do you wish you had known when you started out?

Events that shouldn’t have been doneHow he got involved with doing events

29:20 Q3: What's your go-to order at your favorite hometown restaurant?

What the pho?Some Louisiana favoritesWorst gumbo Keith ever had

33:40 Q4: What are you curious about?

Small business collaborationsEvolution of Curation

42:25 Q5: Is there anything I should have asked, but didn’t?

Protect your assets

49:43 Q6: If you could create a new holiday, what would it commemorate?

Golden Week